Data visualization helps streamline and present in an engaging and readable way even the most complex scientific, statistic or census data.
Dataviz & Graphics
People are visual, so it’s always easier to get the message when it’s visualized. Well, yes, our brain digests better the information when it’s visual. Our focus is to make your data attractive and intelligible and let people easily explore it via intuitive maps, interactive infographics, graphs or dashboards.
We can put your data (census, geographical, social…)on customizable maps with a wide range of functionalities (filters, colored overlays, crowd sourcing). We work with different layers as Google Maps, OpenStreetMaps… By embedding maps in your website and applications, you can create a visually rich experience that engages your users, and encourages a higher level of interaction.
Open Data
There are some projects that we carried out because we love everything about self-tracking, dataviz and travel. Apparently, a lot of people share our passion for travel statistics and self-tracking. Our first application – tripsQ was featured in CNN Money and The Next Web articles and on Foursquare website. The self-tracking application made to track Mapize founder’s activities became a winner of the Chart.js Personal Dashboard Challenge – a personal data visualization contest.
World cup map
This map geolocates all the FIFA World Cup’s football players, with each player’s personal statistics (age, selections, groups, number of goals...) and internationalization. The map also allows users to filter the players to see who has more caps, which are the greatest strikers for every national team or/and every World Cup group.
FX’s dashboard
It’s Mapize founder’s dashboard visualizing some of his personal data (weight, coffee consumption, walking, travel…). All this data is tracked via an API created to collect interesting information coming from various social networks like foursquare, tripsQ (foursquare based travel app) or from an application specially created to track his daily caffeine intake. It also takes his Fitbit One and Fitbit Area data.
tripsQ is an application that targets frequent flyers as well as travelers willing to make full use of the data they’ve generated during their trips. tripsQ is meant to improve people’s travel experience by visualizing various travel statistics. The current version of the application tracks user’s itineraries to visualize his travel data (distance travelled & walked, carbon footprint …).